Hey there. I don’t know if anybody is going to read this. Maybe in the future, I will. But this is my attempt at Tim Ferriss’s journaling advice. Well, a lot of influencers have given this advice, he’s just the first one I got it from.
Today is a sad day for most of my countrymen – Filipinos. Our former president just got arrested by the ICC, and while social media helped in information dissemination, it also made us realize our helplessness. Especially since the global political landscape right now is more tumultuous than ever in my lifetime’s recollection. The US has betrayed its allies, and we have seen just how fragile our western way of life really is.
In any case, these are the thoughts and emotions that have been bothering me lately. And I know I’m not alone in feeling and thinking this – this feeling of uncertainty, helplessness, depression, and anxiety regarding what happened, what is happening, and what’s to come.
I am writing this because I want to pour out my thoughts into paper, so that they do not circulate and rot in my mind. I want to clear my head so I can get on with my day, hopefully more productively than most. I would write on pen and paper, but that’s too bothersome because typing on a keyboard is faster. And I want the accountability of sharing my thoughts online too. I want the accountability of writing something that’s worth reading someday.
I mean, I could just write. And this piece might come off as junk. No, it will come off as junk with no cohesive narrative or line of thought. But that’s the beauty of starting, isn’t it? It won’t be nice at first, but it will get better over time.
Now, I hope I can keep this up. I want to keep writing. Hopefully for compensation in the future, but right now, I have nothing to show for just yet, even though my friends and family believe I have this innate “intelligence” to make it in the world.
By the way, I’m officially unemployed as I write this. That’s a bummer. I need money, and all we’re leaning on is credit, government support, and my wife’s income. I need to contribute to the household somehow. But how do we balance that with taking care of the kids? Oh well, the Universe will provide.
Until next time. Tomorrow, hopefully. 🙂