

As of June 2021, I’m employed as a University instructor for a minor subject called Communication. I started this blog to help others who are stuck or just starting on improving their lot in life.

What I’m Working on:

BLOGGING. I’ve accumulated quite a breadth of practical information from books and personal experience regarding personal finance. That’s why I started this blog. I’m pouring all of what I’ve learned into this blog – mainly for the personal reason of decluttering my mind, but also in the hopes of inspiring others to not make the same mistakes I made and make better choices in life.

HEALTH AND FITNESS. I have always been a skinny guy. Right after college I frequented the gym and buffed up a little. But with very little knowledge of physical fitness and solely relying on whatever was available online, I didn’t optimize my nutrition and all I ended up with were sore muscles and very little gains. They say you gain the best between the ages of 18-30. Well, I’m past that. But hey, as long as you’re still breathing, you still have a shot at life, right?

So right now, I’m into intermittent fasting with a modified ketogenic diet and getting back into working out. With gyms closed due to Covid-19 and the limited options of gyms in my place in the first place, I’m limited to working out at home using simple stuff and mostly relying on my body weight. This blog will share what I’m going through and what I’ve learned and what I will learn as I go along this journey.

PARENTING. I grew up with trauma. Having a military-trained father kind of exposes you to the harshness of life early on. I used to think it was tough love and simple discipline. But after sitting down and really thinking about it, along with simple google searches, it’s obvious that what I went through was domestic abuse, physically and verbally.

In the Philippines and most of Southeast Asia, corporal punishment is common. However, there is a spelled difference between having a kind father coupled with a nagging and spanking mother, and a heavy-handed father paired with a loving mother. Both inflict trauma on the child but one is worse than the other.

As a father of two sons and one coming baby, I took it upon myself to break the cycle of trauma in my bloodline. My wife went through a similar childhood but she had a loving father and a spanking-mother combination for parents, and I see that it’s not that bad for her.

I’m blogging my journey as a father, husband, and teacher to my family, as we tackle the beauty and rigors of unschooling and subverting society’s expectations.

LEGAL STUDY. Back in 2012, I stumbled upon the famous Rich Dad Poor Dad book of Robert T. Kiyosaki. I was working for a multinational brewery as a quality assurance chemist and though the pay was good, the work was hard. Then I saw my college friend on Facebook flaunting his income from multilevel marketing and I was instantly hooked.

I devoured book after book on financial education starting with RDPD. My primary takeaway from that book was that money is on your side if you know the law, particularly tax and corporate laws. So I resigned from my work and enrolled in law school. But a year into law school, super typhoon Haiyan forced me to put legal education on hold. Fast forward into the Coronavirus pandemic, the rise of online legal education opened up my options for legal education once again.

AUTHORSHIP. I’m an aspiring author, always have been. I’ve put this dream of becoming a novelist on hold for over twenty years. With the rise of self-publishing, I’m working on that dream again. It’s a work-in-progress. I’m still in the worldbuilding and character development stage, but the story’s general theme has been with me since I was 12.

Look out for sneak peeks into my fantasy world in this blog and from my newsletters.

Other Stuff

MY RESUME. I have a very chaotic resume. I have an undergraduate degree in chemistry, a master’s degree in communication, and now I’m pursuing law. I’ve worked as a University instructor, a technical support agent, a telemarketer, a social science research assistant, a life insurance agent, a network marketer, a manufacturing plant quality assurance chemist, and a real estate agent. I also do graphic design, video production, voice acting, patent drafting, and intellectual property consulting on the side.

I’m writing all about these and all that I’ve learned in this blog in the hopes that fresh graduates or those stuck in life could learn a thing or two about career development and other real-life struggles never taught in school like navigating the complex bureaucracies of the different government agencies of the country. Think pension contributions, tax returns, banking options, and the like.

MY EXPERIENCES. Through various hacks, I’ve experienced the posh lifestyle of the elite in developed countries and the depressing realities of the urban and rural poor in third-world countries. It’s safe to say that I’ve been to both sides of the spectrum so I’m putting it all down in this blog as well.

I’ve also been through the ins and outs of casual dating and in trying to figure out the psychology of the female mind. Long story short, I got married. I’ll be writing about that as well which single guys and single ladies might find helpful.

Get in Touch

Social. For short messages. You can find me on Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, and Facebook. I personally read and respond to all things genuine.

Email. For longer queries or if you don’t want your query to be public via tweets, send me an email at author@antonvalentyne.com. I usually batch my emails so I can’t promise to be able to respond to all of them. However, if you’re subscribed to my newsletter and you reply to one with a specific topic or question, the chances of getting a response from me are higher.