Hey there. I don’t know if anybody is going to read this. Maybe in the future, I will. But this is my attempt at Tim Ferriss’s journaling advice. Well, a lot of influencers have given this advice, he’s just the first one I got it from. Today is a sad day for most of my… Continue reading Morning Pages 1
The stigma that is government
It’s not easy working in government because most people there work for their benefit. In a democracy, government employees and elected officials should serve the country by serving the people they represent. It’s the banner ad. It’s what is written in the common law and many written laws. However, this is not the case on… Continue reading The stigma that is government
Risk, pleasure, and success
The human mind evolved to protect you, not make you happy. Tony Robbins Tony Robbins could not say it any truer. We are wired to survive, not to be happy. So our mind is always on the lookout for danger. Things that could harm us. But gone are the days when physical danger plagued mankind… Continue reading Risk, pleasure, and success